How to Add Javascript to Aspx Page ?

Javascript let’s you enhance your webpages. Javascript can control events and even add effects to parts of your web page. Adding javascript to your asp page will definitely enhance your website.  

Adding javascript to your pages: You can embed javascrip into your aspx pages either internally or externally. Let’s see how you can add javascrip within your webpages.

 Add the following code inside < head > tag of your .aspx page.
< script type=”text/jaavscript” >
fuction fun()
< / script >
Now in order to let this event action work add the following code to button in your .aspx page.

Linking to external Javascript file: If you want to link to external Javascript file, make sure you do the following steps:
1. Right Click on your project folder > “Add New Item” > “Javascript File”. 2. Write the code you want in the Javascript file.
Add the following code in your Default.aspx or respective .aspx file to link Javascript file.

< Script src=”JScript.js” type=”text/javascript” > < /script  > 
If you’ve done the above steps then you’ll find that javascripts are added to your asp page. If you've any questions or suggestions/feedback let me know it in the comments.