How to Take Notes using Cornell Method

Cornell Note Taking Method

In order to perform better in exams taking notes during the class hours is very important. It not only helps you to remember important stuff in lecture but also to note down points and material which is important in examination perspective. There are plenty of ways with you can take notes effectively but many of them have flaws related to organization of notes and ability to connect the information. Some of the common methods to take notes are - Sentence Method, Charting Method, Outline Method, Mapping Method and Cornell Method. In this hub you'll learn how to take notes using Cornell note taking method.

Before you take notes using Cornell notetaking Method take a look at some of the important points related to note taking in class.
  • Pay attention to what professor says - often they explain points which are important in terms of theory exams.
  • Don't worry about grammar and typos, you don't need to worry about it while taking notes. If you can read through your own mistakes then that's enough for note taking.
  • Connect Important points and by doing this you can organize your notes much better.

The Cornell Note Taking Method

This method is one of the popular note taking method among students and teachers. It allows students to organize the notes in systematic and rehash-less format. This method makes sure that you not only take good notes but also get hints related to material by using cues in the notes. This way students remember more material related to their exams as it simply uses keywords to connect the concept which you'll remember later. 

How to Take Notes using Cornell Method

To take notes using Cornell method you need to divide the page into two margins. First margin to the left should be 2 inch leaving the right hand margin at about 6 inch. Margin to the right side will contain the notes that you take actively during class hours. Make sure you skip few lines between the two different concepts that are explained by professor. After the class you have to add the keywords related to the important points in the notes, to the left margin. These cues or the keywords are for you to remember the notes or the material explained in the class. If you've a photographic memory then you'll be able to reconnect the points using the keywords quickly. If you're not good at visualizing material and cues then you should recite the cues loud while studying. This also helps some people to remember the material in the notes. 

Why Cornell Method for Note Taking

It is simple and very efficient method to take notes in the class. It forces you to take notes clearly at first places so that you don't miss out on important points. It's very easy to relate and remember the class notes using this method. Notes taken using this method are much organized and systematic than any other method.
It can be used to take notes during university class, seminars, workshops etc. As it focuses on systematic organization of material,there are no disadvantages of this note taking method.