Though marine turtles are known for their higher rate of reproduction but the beaches and coastal areas are no longer safe. Because of this reason out of hundred of eggs only few turtles able to survive each year. As it takes many years for turtles to reach maturity and breed that makes it hard for their population to thrive.
Some of the endangered turtles are :
- Hawksbill Sea Turtle
- Leatherback Sea Turtle
- Kemp's Ridley Turtle
- Green Sea Turtle
- Box Turtle
- Loggerhead Turtle
- Desert Tortoise
- Wood Turtle
- Indian Roofed Turtle
- Chinese Three-striped Box Turtle
- Olive Ridley Turtle
- Flatback turtle
Fatback Turtle - They’re found in central indo-pacific region specifically in Australia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea. They’ve flat body with smooth carapace with upturned edges. They weigh about 200 pounds with size of 40 inches in length.
Green Turtle - Green turtle are spread across many parts of the world. But usually they’re found in Indo-Malayan, Indo-Pacific, Palearctic and Nearctic region. They weigh 290 pounds and grow up to 5 feet. Green turtle’s diet includes sea grass and algae and that makes them ocean cleaner and hold a very important position in ecosystem.
Hawksbill Turtle - Hawksbill turtle is very high in weight and is less than 1 meter in length. They’re facing extinction because of egg-collection and threats from coastal region like trading and hunting. Like green turtle hawksbill also survives on sea grass, sponges etc.
Kemp's Ridley Turtle - Kemp’s ridley turtle feeds on invertebrates and algae, seagrass , sponges and that makes them important part of the ecosystem. They’re found in Shallow sand and mud, estuaries region of the ocean. They weigh about 40 kg and grow up to size of 70cm.
Leatherback Turtle - Leatherback turtle is heavyweight and weighs 500kg and grows up to 180 cm in length. Their size and weight can grow more and it is recorded that they’ve reached weight of 900kg and increased in size of about 256cm in length. They’re found in Open water and coastal habitats region of the ocean. Leatherback turtle is known for hunting jellyfish and is often placed in region where there is need to control population of jellyfish.
Leatherback Turtle - Leatherback turtle is heavyweight and weighs 500kg and grows up to 180 cm in length. Their size and weight can grow more and it is recorded that they’ve reached weight of 900kg and increased in size of about 256cm in length. They’re found in Open water and coastal habitats region of the ocean. Leatherback turtle is known for hunting jellyfish and is often placed in region where there is need to control population of jellyfish.
Loggerhead Turtle - Loggerhead Turtle are facing extinction because they’re either getting captured in fisherman nets or facing threats from coastal area. They feed on invertebrates and this is the reason why they’re considered as important part of ocean ecosystem. They weigh 115 kg or more and grow up to size of 92 cm.
Olive Ridley Turtle - They’re of small size and weight in comparison to other endangered turtle species. They’re falling prey to fisherman and hunters for their skin, meat and illegal egg harvesting. They’re protected by many ocean groups in region of southern India and America.
Sea Turtles are important part of ocean ecosystem and they’re attraction to tourists as well.To some extent they’re protected by public aquarium but breeding in captivity is rare so they need to be preserved in open ocean.
Olive Ridley Turtle - They’re of small size and weight in comparison to other endangered turtle species. They’re falling prey to fisherman and hunters for their skin, meat and illegal egg harvesting. They’re protected by many ocean groups in region of southern India and America.
Sea Turtles are important part of ocean ecosystem and they’re attraction to tourists as well.To some extent they’re protected by public aquarium but breeding in captivity is rare so they need to be preserved in open ocean.
Loggerhead Turtle
Loggerhead Turtle (Caretta caretta) is protected turtle species that is seen quite often these days in south coast of north america. Loggerhead turtles are protected by various international treaties and agreements as well as national laws in United States and many other nations east nations.
Painted Terrapin, or the Saw-jawed Terrapin
This turtle is found in Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand. It is under threat due to threat from local population rising and other environmental threats.