How to Install Puppylinux on USB Drive

Puppylinux is very easy to install on USB Drive. Puppylinux has USB universal installer that lets you install the distro on the USB drive. But if you follow the official help or FAQ then they expect you to burn a CD in order to use that feature.
What if you don’t have a CD Burner or disc to burn puppy linux? We’re going to solve this problem in this tutorial.

First download the latest puppylinux .iso file from the official puppylinux archive or respositories. Once you do that you can go ahead and do the checksum in order to see if the .iso is properly downloaded.

Second step is to download UNetbootin software from your distros repository. If you’re runing ubuntu linux then find the Unetbootin in software center. You can download and install it and later find it in System tools section menu.

Open the Unetbootin and then choose the distro name and version. You can also download distros from this window but it is always better to download with torrent or another download manager instead of this software. Now just point the software to the .iso file and select the USB drive. You can click Ok once you do the settings. After setting up you’ll find that Unetbootin takes few minutes to burn the distro on USB drive.

Once you’re done with installation on USB drive. You can reboot from the USB drive in BIOS and boot into Puppylinux. This is very easy method to install the puppylinux on USB disk. There are some other methods where you have to format and set the bootflag for the USB, but with UNetbootin everything is done for you.

Note: Make sure you disable or remove other USB drives from the system and only connect the drive which is supposed to be formated and installed by Unetbootin. This is to ensure that you dont’ accidentally select and run the installation on wrong drive.