Carp Fish Aquarium

Carp Fish is one of the popular fish in aquarium trade in Asia. Carp is considered as a sign of strength, beauty, and virility in some Asian cultures. Carp Fish is used as aquarium pet by several aquarist. If you’re going to maintain carp fish then you need to maintain water ph, water temperature and diet.

In this hub we’ll take a look at some of the carp species which are popular in aquarium trade.
  • Geisha Girl Medaka
  • The Dwarf of Green Panchex
  • The Tooth Carp

Geisha Girl Medaka

Region: Easter region of Japan
Scientific Name: Oryzias latipes
Common Name : Geisha Girl Medaka. It is also known as rice-fish or Japanese medaka due to it’s origin.
Color: They’re almost colorless and whitish appearance like rice hence the name rice-fish.
Size: They grow about size of 1/2 inch long.
Gender Differentiation: It’s easy to differentiate between male and female. The females are smaller and much rounder than males. Because of female’s rounder appearance it’s easy to spot them.
Ph: Acidic water is preferred for medaka fish. You can make your aquarium acidic by adding 1 tablespoon of salt for 3 gallons of water.
Temperature: You need to maintain temperature in the range 75-80 degrees.

The Dwarf of green panchex

Region: Sri lanka, India
Scientific Name: Panchax Parvus
Group: Aplocheilus Blocki
Common Name: Dwarf of green panchex
Color: Body is green-yellow in color and has rows of yellow and red markings.
Temperature: 75-80 degrees is suitable for panchex. Temperature of 78 degrees needs to be maintained if you wish to breed them.
Food: They prefer live and dried food. 

The Tooth Carp

Region: Asia (East region)
Scientific Name: Genera Aplochelilus and Oryzias
Temperature: 70-80 degrees
Visibility : streams, ponds, and drainage areas. They are surface dwellers and often pop-up head outside water.
Ph: You need to maintain less alkaline tank if you wish to keep them.
Food: Live food ( bloodworm, mosquito larvae,shrimp food). You can also feed them dry fish food
Tank: 10 gallon or more size. Tank with aquarium plant is recommended for them.
Ph: Acidic water is preferred
Breeding: Tooth carp grow very quickly. Once they hit maturity they’ll mate daily and lay several small eggs in the tank. Adults don’t attack their own eggs but once hatched adults are likely to eat fry. So if you wish to breed carp fish then once they lay eggs make sure you keep them in separate tank till fry grow up. Try to maintain minimum fry and sort the fry based on their size in order to avoid attack each other.