Frogs are interesting amphibians to observe in the nature. There are more than 5000 frog species known to humankind and some of the frog species are poisonous to humans and other animals. Poison on their body is to protect them from the predators. Poisonous frog species can be seen in various colors and sizes. Some of the types are rarely seen these days and are at the brink of extinction.
This hub will cover information of the following poisonous frogs:
This hub will cover information of the following poisonous frogs:
- Dyeing Poison Dart Frog
- Blue Poison Dart Frog
- Monkey Frog
- Golden Poison Dart Frog
Dyeing Poison Dart Frog - These frog species are active during morning and evening hours. Their bright body color warns any predator like reptile or birds about their poison. They’re highly poisonous cause once any predator eats them will get killed because of toxic on their body. They weigh about 2-4 grams and have blue color with black dots or spots all over the body.
Blue Poison Dart Frog - The blue poison dart frog is found in south America. They’re not much seen in any other part of the globe. They’re solitary type of poisonous frogs and they’ll only seen in pair during breeding or while fighting each other for territory. They prefer ants, insects and flies as their diet. Poison on the body of blue dart frog will paralyze predator but still they get hunted by some of the poisonous snakes and other animals.
Blue Poison Dart Frog - The blue poison dart frog is found in south America. They’re not much seen in any other part of the globe. They’re solitary type of poisonous frogs and they’ll only seen in pair during breeding or while fighting each other for territory. They prefer ants, insects and flies as their diet. Poison on the body of blue dart frog will paralyze predator but still they get hunted by some of the poisonous snakes and other animals.
Monkey Frog - Monkey frog can be found in the regions of Brazil, Colombia, Bolivia, and Peru. Monkey frogs are nocturnal and are often seen on high tree branches. They got this name because of their availability at heights. Monkey frog is completely green in color and has gray throat and chest. They’re carnivorous when it comes to diet.
Golden Poison Dart Frog - They can be found in the south America. They’re golden yellow in color and have blackish shade on legs. They’re carnivorous and their diet affects the color.They’re often seen near the streams and they move in short hops. They’re active during the daytime. They’re highly poisonous and even 0.0000004 ounce of their toxic is enough to kill a human being.
Golden Poison Dart Frog - They can be found in the south America. They’re golden yellow in color and have blackish shade on legs. They’re carnivorous and their diet affects the color.They’re often seen near the streams and they move in short hops. They’re active during the daytime. They’re highly poisonous and even 0.0000004 ounce of their toxic is enough to kill a human being.
If you wish to keep poison frogs as pets then keep following points in mind:
- Give them regular live food ( fruit flies and other small insects)
- Poison frogs will never behave as pets so be careful while handling them
- You need to maintain environment and diet pattern for poisonous frogs
- Some of the poisonous frogs are endangered species so don’t harm them if you can’t take care of them
- Rainforest poisonous frogs don’t need much of sunlight so avoid direct sunlight
Poisonous Frogs from Australia
Corroboree Frog, a poisonous frog from Australia. This species generates the poison itself from the body. It produces one of the lethal poison that could damage any living being.